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Posted by: kaja76

Dear doctor,

I am 39 and have a 3-year-old who we got through IUI with Clomiphene. I’d like to have another baby, but several things bother me. My cycle is irregular (40-45 days), hormones are mostly normal (FSH 5,9; LH 5,3), testosterone is slightly low and PRL is treated with Bromergon.

I have a microadenoma the size of 4,5 mm and I wonder how smart it is to take any ovulation stimulation considering the microadenoma? Will it grow or turn malignant because of ovarian stimulation? Clomiphene instructions says it shouldn’t be taken if organic intracranial lesion or hormone-dependent tumors are present, so I am wondering if that applies to my microadenoma as well. Is it smart to take these drugs or should I give up considering my pituitary condition and my age because they lower my chances for pregnancy?

Thank you.

Answer by: Romana Dmitrović, MD, Ph.D.

Dear kaja76,

You already have a child conceived while you were using Clomiphene, so it is obvious it does not have to be harmful. Also, microadenoma is by definition a very small benign tumor which does not grow nor does it turn malignant. However, nobody can guarantee that nothing will go wrong if you undergo the IUI again, because in life there are risks we take. The most probable scenario is that nothing bad will happen, but you have to take some risks. You can always consult your physician and tell him/her about your worries and choose to change the method of stimulation. It would be unfortunate if you opt not to have another baby since you got the first one fairly easy. Your chances for another pregnancy are good since you already gave birth, regardless of your age. But, the decision is yours and yours only and I can only wish you to be happy with the one you make.

Best regards,

Romana Dmitrović, MD

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