If you have a high percentage of sperm with fragmented DNA, a low percentage of morphologically normal sperm, or if you already had IVF/ICSI procedures with poor embryo development (fragmented embryo, no blastocysts), there are other methods for sperm selection. For ART procedures, the top-quality sperm should be selected, meaning that they have good motility and normal morphology. There are two standard methods for semen preparation: sperm processing on a density gradient, and swim-up method. These methods require centrifugation.

In our Clinic, we are using ZyMōt, a microfluidic sperm sorting (MSS) chip for sperm preparation and selection. This method is based on active sperm movement through specially designed membranes, and only functionally the best sperm can pass them. Centrifugation, which can potentially induce oxidative stress in sperm and negatively affect their quality, is not required with ZyMōt. Sperm can be prepared either for insemination or in vitro fertilization.
If you have a higher percentage of sperm DNA fragmentation or disrupted sperm morphology, consult your reproductive gynecologist about this method and whether it is suitable for you.