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Even today infertility is considered to be a female problem although we are facing male factor as a growing infertility factor. Today we assume that in 30% cases of infertility the reason is a male factor, and in additional 20-30% cases both male and female factors. Fortunately, there are methods to treat even severe forms of male infertility.

Evaluation of male fertility is done by collecting semen sample (semen analysis). Problems of male infertility are dealt by a specialist for male reproductive system – an andrologist.

Normal values of semen (ejaculate) analysis are volume of 1 – 5 ml, pH 7.3 – 8.3, sperm concentration of over 15 mil/ml, motility of over 32 % and normal sperm morphology of 4% (according to WHO Laboratory manual for the Examination and processing of human semen 2010)

We distinguish various levels of male infertility: