European Bank for Reconstruction and Development awarded BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine a grant within the “Women in Business Programme Croatia” program, for financing advisory marketing services. We used this grant to finance consultants for this web site, and therefore thank the European Bank for their help.
EBRD project
B+ news
Ask a doctor online
- Fibroids, advanced age and donated oocytes
- Bleeding during ovulation
- Slow development of the embryo
- Recurrent miscarriage tests
- Cryoembryotransfer following curettage
- Swapping samples in IVF lab
- Egg donation
- How Long Should I Wait Before IVF?
- Habitual Abortions and PGS
- HSG and IUI in the Same Cycle
- Low Responder's Protocol
- Spontaneous Pregnancy With Oligospermia?
- Idiopathic Infertility