BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine was founded in 2010. The name itself represents a concept, today known to almost all women who wish to conceive. “Beta HCG” is a laboratory test used to determine a very early pregnancy and our patients know that a positive beta HCG, or BetaPlus, announces the most extraordinary feeling and very often the greatest joy in their lives.
Reproductive medicine is a special part of gynecology, where patients are mostly young and healthy couples who visit a doctor following the most natural human desire to have a child. Our job is to facilitate this journey and explain each step, because the easiest way to fight your fears is by knowing and understanding your body and its reactions. Very often you will achieve pregnancy even without medical help, just with small interventions in your lifestyle and habits, or corrections of false attitudes.
Connection between doctors and patients in this part of the medicine is not only desirable but also necessary, because a mutual trust is a key to success. In BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine we paid a great attention to a team of top experts who work with such couples, with high-quality equipment and in a pleasant and relaxing environment, hoping you will approach your problem without anxiety and fear, but with full confidence in success, even in tough moments.
The location of BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine was chosen with the utmost care, since we live in such a hectic time. We are situated at a strategically good position where it takes equal amount of time to approach our Center from each part of the city. Not less essential is a fact that it is situated close to the bypass around the city of Zagreb (Obilaznica) and the airport, which is important for our patients who are from out of the town. Free parking is also provided.
Becoming a mother is a natural desire of most women, although taking care of their reproductive health does not stop there. From adolescence, when irregular bleeding, hormonal changes and the need for contraception appear, through generative age and pregnancy, when the first problems with fibroids, ovarian cysts and changes of pap smear tests occur, to perimenopause and menopause, when first need for hormone replacement therapy and difficulties with sexuality, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and general deterioration of health occur, at BetaPlus Center for Reproductive Medicine there is a team of people competent to deal with such problems.
Our aim is to protect your health throughout your life, which is possible through regular exams. We would like to welcome you to our website and to our Center!
We would like to welcome you to our website and to our Center!
BetaPlus Center has two fully equipped and modern gynecological offices, and considering the ultrasound examination, it is possible to do a standard two-dimensional ultrasound, 3D/4D ultrasound, and the Color Doppler / power Doppler ultrasound. If desired, the pictures could be recorded to a CD or a DVD (in pregnancy and out of the pregnancy) .
We are also equipped with a small surgeries hall, where all procedures that require sterile conditions and general or local anesthesia can take place. The list of procedures that we perform in this hall you can find in our catalogue of services which is also posted on this site.
Except for the premises where nurses perform their job, there is also a biological laboratory and a recovery room for patients after invasive procedures.

The Laboratory for Human Reproduction has all permits required by the Croatian Ministry of Health. It is equipped with sophisticated equipment that fully meets the European and international standards for this type of activity. There are:
- Narishige Micromanipulators kit with injectors for IVF [Micromanipulators for ICSI procedure (intracytoplasmic sperm injection)]
- Olympus invertive microscope Ix51 for IVF
- Olympus stereo zoom loupe SZX 10 for IVF
- Heating plates Minitube Gmbh, to maintain sample temperature at 37 degrees
- Air purifier zIVF AIRE-100C Zander Scientific, Inc.
- MVE tanks for liquid nitrogen XC18/34, LAB50, LAB30, and LAB4
- Cook aspiration pump for K-MAR-5200
- Cook table incubators mini KMINC1000
- Cook heaters for Falcon tubes K-FTH-1012
- Binder Incubator CO2 – production of Binder Model CB-150 is divided into 4 sections
- Portable device for accurate measurement of temperature and CO2 concentration • Dust resistant chamber for work with human gametes and embryos in IVF labs, Telstar Industrial production, S.L.model BH-100
- Olympus microscope BX43 BF, PH, LED